
About CountMyText

Welcome to CountMyText, now exclusively on Google Play! Your reliable companion for text analysis and transformation, CountMyText helps you effortlessly count characters, words, sentences, and numbers. Experience seamless and intuitive text analysis with the power of our Code and Decode features - all in one app.

Key Features

1. Character Counting

Easily count the number of characters in any text. This feature is particularly useful for writers, social media enthusiasts, and anyone needing to keep track of character limits.

2. Word Counting

Get an accurate count of words in your text. Perfect for students, professionals, and authors who need to meet specific word count requirements.

3. Sentence Counting

Count the number of sentences in your text. This feature helps improve writing by allowing users to manage sentence structure and length.

4. Number Counting

Identify and count numerical values within your text, including dollar amounts, percentages, and phone numbers.

5. Text Encoding and Decoding

In addition to our text analysis tools, CountMyText offers a unique way to transform your text using customizable shifts:

  • Code: Shifts each letter in your text forward by a set number of positions in the alphabet. Numbers are also incremented by the same amount.

    • For example, with a shift of 4, "Hello" becomes "Lipps", and "123" becomes "567."

  • Decode: Shifts each letter back by the same number of positions in the alphabet. Numbers are also decremented by the same amount.

    • For example, with a shift of 4, "Lipps" becomes "Hello", and "567" becomes "123."

Use this feature to create encoded messages or modify text effortlessly!

How to Use

  1. Enter or Paste Text: Start by entering or pasting your text into the provided field.

  2. Analyze Text: View the real-time analysis of your text, including character, word, sentence, and number counts.

  3. Transform Text: Use the "Code" button to encode your text or the "Decode" button to revert it to its original form.